Understand your Survey Results
The answer scale within the Survey is:
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Somewhat Disagree
- Neutral
- Somewhat Agree
- Agree
- Strongly Agree
All survey responses are given a quantitative overlay and then averaged.
Therefore, the outcome for each of your survey questions is represented by a percentage, which can be translated back to one of the seven possible answers.
For example, if a question got an average of 35%, then the average response was Somewhat Disagree.

Strongly Disagree | < 15% |
Disagree | 15% - 29% |
Somewhat Disagree | 29% - 43% |
Neutral | 43% - 57% |
Somewhat Agree | 57% - 72% |
Agree | 72% - 86% |
Strongly Agree | > 86% |